Commercial Property

"Think Property, Talk to Victor"

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Landmark Commercial Building

591 M²

Landmark commercial building located parallel to Arklow main street. Currently a well established Hardware business serving Arklow for many years, the property offers a golden opportunity to a broad spectrum of potential purchasers. Measuring c. 591sqm/ c 6361 on two levels, coupled with the benefit of recently acquired planning permission to convert the first floor […]

Development Land

4.71HA / 11.65 Acres M²

The two sites are separated by Mill Road. The former Ergas Site is a triangular shaped site measuring 2.4 Hectares / C. 5.93 acres bounded to the south by the Marina Village. On the East side of Mill Road are the former Gypsum and Woodchip sites that are set out in an elongated triangular shape […]

Sale Agreed

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